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Betaine HCL Pepsin & Gentian Root

Individuals suffering with stomach and intestinal problems most frequently assume that heartburn, indigestion, gas, and reflux are caused by overproduction of stomach acid. This common misconception has been strongly re-enforced by the media and routinely prescribed stomach acid blocking drugs.


Hydrochloric acid serves many functions, the two most important are:
1. It is the primary digestive juice responsible for breaking down proteins, preparing them for assimilation.
2. It acts as a protective barrier, killing many potentially harmful micro-organisms in our food.

Betaine HCL Pepsin & Gentian Root

  • Based upon the testing of sample groups, it has been theorized that well over half of the U.S. population beyond the age of fifty years is under-producing hydrochloric acid on a constant basis, leading to a host of digestive and immune disturbances. One need not be of middle age to have this problem, nowadays it's not uncommon in younger persons as well. 



    • Maintains a healthy pH in stomach and small intestine*
    • Promotes protein digestion*
    • Enhances mineral and Vitamin B12 absorption*

    Betaine HCL Pepsin & Gentian Root is a combination of nutrients that are beneficial for promoting healthy digestion.* Gentian, a wonderful bitter herbal, combined with Betaine HCl maintains a healthy pH in the stomach, supporting protein digestion, mineral absorption, small intestine pH, and B12 absorption.*


    When using Betaine HCL with Pepsin for the first few times, please be sure to follow the directions carefully. Always take Betaine HCL at the start of the meal! If taken without food, stomach burning may result. 

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