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A Typical Day on the Hallelujah Diet and Lifestyle


The Hallelujah Diet is suitable for anyone, including children. It's a simple, flexible concept

that will ensure your body gets the nutrients it needs without the junk.


Perhaps you’re wondering if you’ll “starve” on The Hallelujah Diet—quite the contrary! You’ll find that the 85% raw and 15% cooked foods of The Hallelujah Dietconsist of an amazing array of delicious foods that you may already be eating.


Before You Begin…


The menu below provides an ideal example of a typical day on The Hallelujah Diet. As the Making It Work page discusses, The Hallelujah Diet should be considered a flexible concept rather than a fixed meal plan—feel free to customize it to suit your individual tastes and schedule.


It's okay to be flexible; just remember the basics:

  • Keep 85% of your menu as raw, plant-based foods

  • Ensure that no more than 15% of your daily intake is cooked or processed plant-based foods

  • steer clear of the Foods to Avoid



Before eating anything, take one serving of BarleyMax, either in capsule or powder form (powder form is best if consumed dry). You may take the powder dry, allowing it to dissolve in the mouth or by mixing it with a few ounces of purified water or fresh vegetable or fruit juice.


It is best not to consume food containing fiber first thing in the morning, as fiber hinders the body’s cleansing and eliminating efforts that continue for several hours after rising.


If you feel you need something with fiber at breakfast, have a piece of fruit or a fruit smoothie. If necessary, you could also consider some whole grain cereal with almond or rice milk.


NOTE: Children need more than BarleyMax for breakfast; after BarleyMax, a breakfast of raw fruit and whole grain (hot or cold) cereals would be a good choice. Growing children need a diet consisting of about 50% raw foods and 50% cooked foods to insure adequate caloric intake. They need more good fats and proteins than adults and they may need more frequent meals.



Drink an 8 oz glass of fresh vegetable juice (two-thirds carrot and one-third greens). If fresh juice is not available, the next best choice is a combination serving of CarrotJuiceMax and BarleyMax, or a piece of juicy, fresh fruit.


Thirty minutes later is an excellent time to use Fiber Cleanse as directed, B-Flax-D, or freshly ground flax seed to help maintain optimal bowel function. If you did not have any fiber food for breakfast, a fruit smoothie is an excellent way to take their ground flax seed or B-Flax-D.


For those who need to stabilize blood sugar, or keep hunger under control and support body weight, some celery sticks, broccoli, or cauliflower florets, etc., spread with almond butter could be consumed.



At least 20 minutes before lunch, have another serving of BarleyMax, as at breakfast.


If fruit has been consumed during the morning hours, have a vegetable salad. Too much fruit in a day is not advised, and though the sugar is natural, too much sugar can cause problems. (Fruits cleanse the body, while vegetables feed the body.)


While it is preferable to keep the lunch meal raw, a little cooked food at noon is fine, especially if you want to maintain weight. A whole grain pita pocket filled with veggies is a good option.



Drink an 8 oz glass of carrot/vegetable juice. If juice is not available, a serving of CarrotJuiceMax and BarleyMax, or some carrot or celery sticks would be next best.




At least 20 minutes before supper, have another serving of BarleyMax. Then have a LARGE green salad of leaf lettuce (never head lettuce as it has very little nutritional value) along with a variety of vegetables, including some avocado or ground seeds or nuts.


A blended salad is good for those who have difficulty eating salads. To make a blended salad, include all the veggies that would go into a regular salad plus additional greens (spinach, kale, etc.) and put it in a blender with some carrot juice or a small amount of healthful, homemade salad dressing. Blending increases nutrient value tremendously.


After the salad comes the cooked food portion. This could be steamed veggies, baked sweet potato, whole grains, whole grain pasta, squash (baked or steamed), or beans.




If desired, enjoy a piece of juicy fresh fruit or a glass of freshly extracted apple or pear juice, or a glass of 100% organic apple or grape juice. It is best to not consume anything containing fiber after the supper hour.

© 2023 Back to Eden Health Ministry

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